Respond to these tasks by writing any answers or code into your own blog. Please number your responses so they can be found.
1. Start your blog in Blogger. Write a sentence about yourself, with a graphic that represents you, say, a photo or something that you like. Remember the address of your blog. This is where all the feedback on tasks will be given.
2. Write a MS Word assignment called My Four Most Favorite Sites. Write about 50 words about each site and say why you like it. Include a screen shot of each site. Make the layout nice and put it in the Moodle drop-box by the closing date.
3. Checkout the Classroom Protocols PowerPoint in our Moodle site. Write about three aspects of the protocols that you consider are the most important. Three sentences are enough but you can do more. Add a picture.
4. Put a link in your blog to the w3schools HTML site with a screen shot.
5. What does HTML stand for. Paste in three lines of HTML.
6. Define Tag, Element and Attribute. Give examples if you can.
7. What does this do: <p> Hello world! </p>
8. Copy this in to Notepad or TextWrangler and run it through a browser.
<title>My First Page</title>
Where does the text "My First Page" appear?
9. Same as 8 but this time, change the text to your name. Put your full HTML program into your blog.
10. Go to this page( http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_examples.asp) and run the example called "HTML document" from the HTML basic section. Run their example, think about the tags then alter their script in some interesting way. eg. include your name in the script somewhere. Run your new script and copy the HTML into your blog with a suitable comment.
11. Same as 10, but this time run the HTML headings script.
12. Same as 10, but this time run the HTML paragraphs script.
12.5 Write a short web page with two different headings, a link, two paragraphs and an image.
13. Do the exercises at the the bottom of the attributes page in w3 schools. Check out the answers in each of the five exercise and copy the correct HTML code into your blog with a small change to the code given. Comment on what change you have made. For instance say <!-- I changed the name of the picture. -->
14. (a) Give two reasons why you would put comments into your web pages.
(b) Can you have a comment inside a comment?
(c) Do the two exercises at the bottom of this page. Make changes like in question 13 above.
15. Start preparing your talk on an interesting tag by picking one that appeals to you and preparing a three (or more) page PowerPoint. Put your name and tag onto the Wiki in Moodle.
16. Do an Internet search on at least two HTML Editors. Take a screen shot of each editor and write a comment on what people say about it and what you think too.
17. Write a simple script that includes the following tags : underline, italics and bold.
18. Write an HTML script that uses all the header tags <h1>, <h2>, ..., <h6>.
16. Do an Internet search on at least two HTML Editors. Take a screen shot of each editor and write a comment on what people say about it and what you think too.
17. Write a simple script that includes the following tags : underline, italics and bold.
18. Write an HTML script that uses all the header tags <h1>, <h2>, ..., <h6>.
19. Write a script that will link to wikipedia's Dunedin page.
20. Links. Do the exercises on the bottom of this page and do some changes like above.
21. Headings. Read over the headings theory in w3 schools on this page. Do the exercises on the bottom in the usual way in your blog.
22. Write a small web page with pictures of the University Oval, the Black Caps cricket team and the South African cricket team. Each picture should have a caption and a different border. Put at least three different headings in your page and give it a title in the <head> section. Use at least one <br> and one <hr> too.
23. Write a short HTML paragraph that uses these tages: <br>, <pre> and <p>.
24. Do the exercises at the bottom of the W3 schools page about paragraphs. Do the usual small changes with comments and put your versions into your blog.
25. Write a small web page that contains all the following style tags.
- background-color for background color
- Use color for text colors
- Use font-family for text fonts
- Use font-size for text sizes
- Use text-align for text alignment
26. Do the exercises from the style section of w3 schools in the usual
27. Do the exercises from the images section of w3 schools in the usual way.
28. Write a small html script that will display an animated image of your favorite animal.
29) Find a good picture of the solar system with all the planets and make your own image map so that clicking on a planet gives a close-up of each planet with its name. Code in blog.
30) Same as above but this time your click should take you to the appropriate Wikipedia page. Code in blog.
31) Use a picture of the Otago Polytechnic campus to output a little message or go to a relevant website when you click on three different buildings.
30) Same as above but this time your click should take you to the appropriate Wikipedia page. Code in blog.
31) Use a picture of the Otago Polytechnic campus to output a little message or go to a relevant website when you click on three different buildings.
32) Write a small web page that has text in it that uses all the following tags:
- <b> - Bold text
- <strong> - Important text
- <i> - Italic text
- <em> - Emphasized text
- <mark> - Marked text
- <small> - Small text
- <del> - Deleted text
- <ins> - Inserted text
- <sub> - Subscript text
- <sup> - Superscript text
33) Write a small web page that uses all the tags below:
HTML Quotation and Citation Elements
Tag | Description |
<abbr> | Defines an abbreviation or acronym |
<address> | Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document |
<bdo> | Defines the text direction |
<blockquote> | Defines a section that is quoted from another source |
<cite> | Defines the title of a work |
<q> | Defines a short inline quotation |
34) Do these questions from the board on colours:
35. Tables. Check out the w3 Schools page on HTML tables. Run any three examples on the page then make some interesting changes (words, colours, borders, fonts etc.) and make sure the scripts work. Then copy these scripts into your blog with a comment about what you've changed. Just small changes are OK.
36. Look at this movie site on some popular movies of 2015. Make a table out of the top five giving the ranking and the number of stars this site awards each movie. Can you also copy out some of the graphics and put them on your page too?
36. Look at this movie site on some popular movies of 2015. Make a table out of the top five giving the ranking and the number of stars this site awards each movie. Can you also copy out some of the graphics and put them on your page too?
37. Lists : Do the exercise on the bottom of this page. Do the exercises and make sure you understand all the list elements. Make some small changes and display the changed HTML in your blog with a comment about what you've changed.
38. Check out this page of lists. Find a list that interests you and make a web page that includes a table with at least 5 rows and two columns with headings and a caption on the table. Add at least two graphics.
39. Go back to the page of lists mentioned above and create an ordered list from it with 4 items.
38. Check out this page of lists. Find a list that interests you and make a web page that includes a table with at least 5 rows and two columns with headings and a caption on the table. Add at least two graphics.
39. Go back to the page of lists mentioned above and create an ordered list from it with 4 items.
40. Do all the examples from the CSS page of w3 schools here, and make the usual small changes with comments.
41. Do the div, span examples on this page.
42. Write a small page that uses div and span to describe three cities in NZ like the cities in the above example.
43. Do the exercise at the bottom of this page in the usual way.
44. Write a little web page that has three iFrames in it. Note: some web sites don't allow themselves to be inserted into iFrames.
45. Check out the marquee tag here. Not the CSS part but the HTML scripts. Make up a HTML script that has texts and images moving in all possible ways.
46. Do the exercises about Javascript from the bottom of this page and make the usual small changes with comments.
47. Write a short HTML script that uses all the following in the <head> section.
Tag | Description |
<head> | Defines information about the document |
<title> | Defines the title of a document |
<base> | Defines a default address or a default target for all links on a page |
<link> | Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource |
<meta> | Defines metadata about an HTML document |
<script> | Defines a client-side script |
<style> | Defines style information for a document |
Some good information is found here.
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